

Robust Error-Bounded Cage Generation for Planar Domains

  • 摘要: Cage是基于广义重心坐标的形状编辑与变形应用的基本要素,但现有算法无法保证生成的cage与模型间的距离能够满足给定的误差约束.为此,提出一种鲁棒的平面cage生成算法,对于用户指定的平面网格模型和Hausdorff距离上界,首先生成初始cage,使其与平面网格模型边界间的双向Hausdorff距离在设定的界内;其次,通过拓扑优化和几何优化降低cage的复杂度,并保证cage满足距离上界约束.对于任意的平面网格模型,该算法能从理论上保证生成的cage满足约束.在包含大量平面网格模型的公开数据集上的实验结果表明,与现有方法相比,该算法生成的cage在相同的Hausdorff距离下顶点数更少,在相同的顶点数下Hausdorff距离更小.


    Abstract: Cages are crucial for generalized barycentric coordinates based shape editing and deformation applications. However, existing cage generation methods have no guarantee on the Hausdorff distance between the generated cage and the shape such that it is within a given distance bound. To address this, a robust planar cage generation algorithm is proposed. Firstly, given a planar shape and a Hausdorff distance bound, the algorithm generates an initial cage, ensuring that the Hausdorff distance between the planar shape and the cage satisfies the constraint. Secondly, the cage is simplified using topology optimization and geometric optimization while making sure that the distance constraint is always satisfied. Given any planar mesh as input, the algorithm can theoretically ensure that the generated cage satisfies the constraints. Through extensive experiments on a public planar shape dataset, the results demonstrate that this method can produce cages with fewer vertices given the same Hausdorff distance and smaller Hausdorff distance given the same number of vertices in comparison to the existing methods.


