

No-label Stacked Object Grasp Pose Detection Algorithm

  • 摘要: 针对现有的抓取检测网络需要大量标注数据进行训练且难以适应新物体抓取检测的问题, 提出一种适用于堆叠场景下的物体6DoF抓取位姿检测方法. 该方法由模型可抓取位姿模板库、待抓物体选择网络和抓取映射3部分组成. 首先基于几何外观特征与力封闭原理, 在物体模型上生成一组满足力封闭的6DoF抓取位姿, 构建可抓取位姿模板库; 然后分割原始场景点云,基于可见性, 遮挡性和置信度等确定待抓物体; 接着根据待抓物体的在场景中的位姿, 将模板库中的抓取位姿映射到该物体上; 最后选择与待抓物体质心距离最近且无碰撞6DoF抓取位姿, 实现稳定抓取. 实验在6种类型物体堆叠场景中进行, 结果表明, 该方法取得96.2%的平均抓取成功率; 相较与PointNetGPD, 该方法的抓取成功率提升5~20个百分点.


    Abstract: Aiming at the problem that existing grasping detection networks require a large amount of labeled data for training and are difficult to adapt to new object grasping detection, a 6DoF grasping position detection method is proposed for stacked scenes. The method consists of a library of model grasping pose templates, an object selection network and a grasping mapping.  Based on the geometric appearance features and the force closure principle, a set of 6DoF grasping poses satisfying the force closure are generated on the object model to construct a grasping pose template library; then, the original field attraction cloud is segmented, and the objects to be grasped are identified based on the visibility, occlusion, and confidence; then, based on the pose of the objects to be grasped in the scene, the grasping poses in the template library are mapped onto the objects; finally, the nearest and non-colliding 6DoF grasping poses are selected and mapped with the objects to be grasped; and the nearest center-of-mass and non-colliding 6DoF grasping pose is selected. Finally, the closest collision-free 6DoF grasping pose to the center of mass of the object to be grasped is selected to achieve stable grasping. The experiments are conducted in six types of object stacking scenes, and the results show that the method achieves an average success rate of 96.2%, which is 5-20 percentage points higher than that of PointNetGPD.


