

A Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Network with Multiple Boundary References

  • 摘要: 弱监督语义分割任务中存在目标重叠和遮挡的可能, 使得种子区域生成的伪像素掩码难以准确覆盖目标区域, 出现漏分割和错分割情况. 为改善上述问题, 本文提出一种多重边界参考的弱监督语义分割网络. 该网络以空间域和频率域互参考方式得到目标区域边界, 利用边界信息为伪像素掩码的生成提供合理的参考;在此基础上, 生成的伪像素掩码可以更好的覆盖目标区域. 在通用数据集PASCAL VOC 2012 验证集和测试集上评估结果表明, 本文网络mIoU分别达到了68.7%和69.2%. 实验结果证明使用多重边界信息作为参考可以生成质量更好的伪像素掩码, 并有效改善分割结果与目标边界不匹配的问题, 提升弱监督语义分割精度.


    Abstract: There is the possibility of object overlap and occlusion in the weakly supervised segmentation task, which makes it difficult for the pseudo-pixel mask generated by the seed region to accurately cover the object region, resulting in missed segmentation and wrong segmentation occur. In order to improve the above problems, a weakly supervised semantic segmentation network with multiple boundary references is proposed. The network obtains the object region boundary by cross-reference mode of spatial domain and frequency domain, so that provide a reasonable reference for the generation of pseudo-pixel mask by boundary information; on this basis, the pseudo-pixel mask generated can better match the object region. The evaluation results on the general dataset PASCAL VOC 2012 validation set and test set show that the proposed network mIoU reaches 68.7% and 69.2%. The experimental results proved that using multiple boundary information as reference can generate pseudo-pixel masks with better quality, effectively improve the problem of mismatch between the segmentation results and the object boundary, can improve the accuracy of weakly supervised semantic segmentation.


