陈静, 陈主昕, 郭帆, 张严辞. 重要性驱动的实时间接光泽反射算法[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报.
引用本文: 陈静, 陈主昕, 郭帆, 张严辞. 重要性驱动的实时间接光泽反射算法[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报.
Importance-Driven Real-Time Indirect Glossy Reflection Algorithm[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics.
Citation: Importance-Driven Real-Time Indirect Glossy Reflection Algorithm[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics.


Importance-Driven Real-Time Indirect Glossy Reflection Algorithm

  • 摘要: 实时间接光泽反射效果有助于提高渲染场景的真实感. 为了解决虚拟点光源(virtual point lights, VPLs)在光泽材质处的着色走样问题, 提出基于VPLs光照贡献重要性的渲染算法. 首先提出基于Tile的光照贡献估算方法, 通过分块拟合和分块剔除, 快速计算VPLs的光照贡献; 然后通过自适应权重的时域复用方法, 生成重要性驱动的分布图(importance driven distribution map, IDDM); 最后结合Mipmap多级纹理映射技术, 快速在场景的不同区域生成不同密度的VPLs. 在金属戒指和斯坦福兔子等场景下的实验结果表明, 使用相同数量的VPLs进行渲染, 所提算法渲染质量优于随机光源裁剪(stochastic light culling, SLC)算法, 渲染结果的均方根误差(root mean square error, RMSE)不超过2%.


    Abstract: Rendering indirect glossy reflection in real-time helps to improve the realism of rendered scenes. To solve the problem of virtual point lights (VPLs) shading at glossy materials, a rendering algorithm based on the importance of VPLs lighting contribution is proposed. Firstly, a tile-based lighting contribution estimation method is proposed, which quickly calculates the light contribution of VPLs through tile fitting and tile culling. Then, an importance-driven distribution map (IDDM) is generated by an adaptive weight temporal algorithm. Finally, the Mipmap multi-level texture mapping method quickly generates different densities of VPLs in different areas in the scene. The experimental results on metal ring and Stanford rabbit scenes indicate that compared with stochastic light culling (SLC) algorithm, the proposed algorithm achieves better rendering quality with the same number of VPLs, and the root mean square error (RMSE) of the rendering results in this paper are no more than 2%.


