曹雨然, 逯伟卿, 于金佐, 周亦博, 胡海苗. 监控场景下基于单帧与视频数据的行人属性识别方法综述及展望[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1089.2023-00362
引用本文: 曹雨然, 逯伟卿, 于金佐, 周亦博, 胡海苗. 监控场景下基于单帧与视频数据的行人属性识别方法综述及展望[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1089.2023-00362
Yuran Cao, Weiqing Lu, Jinzuo Yu, Yibo Zhou, Haimiao Hu. Pedestrian Attribute Recognition in Surveillance Scenario: A Survey and Future Perspectives on Frame vs. Video based methods[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1089.2023-00362
Citation: Yuran Cao, Weiqing Lu, Jinzuo Yu, Yibo Zhou, Haimiao Hu. Pedestrian Attribute Recognition in Surveillance Scenario: A Survey and Future Perspectives on Frame vs. Video based methods[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1089.2023-00362


Pedestrian Attribute Recognition in Surveillance Scenario: A Survey and Future Perspectives on Frame vs. Video based methods

  • 摘要: 行人属性识别旨在判断目标行人的特征和特点, 从而生成关于该行人的结构化描述, 包括年龄、性别、衣着、配饰等多种层次的语义信息. 由于行人属性识别在视频监控领域具有极大的应用潜力, 该任务广受研究者关注. 随着深度学习的快速发展, 研究者提出了众多识别行人属性的方法, 以获得更为精准的识别结果. 然而, 在当前众多复杂场景下, 该任务仍面临着监控画面不清晰、行人状态变化、遮挡等现象带来的挑战. 基于此, 本文将围绕行人属性识别这一任务, 介绍其研究背景及任务概念, 指出当前研究所面临的问题与挑战; 根据“单帧图像”和基于视频数据的“序列图像”两种不同的样本类型, 对行人属性识别方法进行分类, 并依据属性识别过程中所采用的技巧和思路, 归纳总结新提出的行人属性识别方法, 概述研究现状; 对当前主流使用的数据集进行分析比较, 总结其特点; 最后, 从状态引导行人属性识别、立体属性、多任务融合、新数据集构建四个方面, 思考该领域的未来发展方向并作出展望.


    Abstract: Pedestrian attribute recognition aims to predict the predefined attributes of a target pedestrian, generating a structured description of the pedestrian, which includes levels of semantic information like age, gender, clothing, accessories and other levels of semantic information. Due to its wide application in the field of video surveillance and security, pedestrian attribute recognition remains a hot topic. During the past decade, numerous methods have been proposed to facilitate PAR. In early studies, researchers usually take the whole pedestrian image as input, which leads to insufficient emphasize on some valuable information for fine-grained attributes. In order to solve this problem, some researchers propose to take the segmented local body parts as input. To more accurately locate the area associated with a specific attribute, various types of auxiliary modules such as attention mechanism and key points detection modules have been added. Thereafter, some researchers have suggested that mining information such as attribute relations can be of help to improving recognition accuracy. As a result, relationship matrix, context information and other image processing techniques are integrated into this task. However, current researchers are still faced with several challenges. Since the pedestrian images are captured in surveillance scenarios, resolutions of these samples can be rather unsatisfied and the captured identity can be seriously motion-blurred, resulting in poor image quality detrimental for a robust PAR. Also, the demand of PAR to be pedestrian orientation-invariant and time-series consistent make the task more complicated. Moreover, for samples captured by outdoor surveillance cameras, the image quality can be influenced by variation of illumination and weather as well. Considering the above challenges, this paper analyses the methods proposed in recent years. According to the type of input samples, pedestrian attribute recognition methods are categorized as frame-based ones, which independently judge on each frame of the input surveillance video; and video-based ones, which fuses multiple frames of the same identity to better explore the temporal consistence of pedestrian attributes within surveillance video. Basically, further improvement of PAR goes along two directions, one stream of research consider PAR as a stand-alone task and aim to foster it mainly from the supervision from the task itself. While the other views PAR systematically by considering its connection with other tasks intrinsically informative to PAR for the leveraging of further prior restrictions.This paper is organized as follows: the research background and the concept of pedestrian attribute recognition will be introduced at first. Then, pedestrian attribute recognition methods will be summarized and classified. After that, this paper will analyze and compare the current commonly employed datasets and experimental results on these datasets. Finally, we will discuss the future development direction of this field.


