程梦琴, 周葆华, 陈思明. 数据新闻可视化研究: 理论与实践[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报.
引用本文: 程梦琴, 周葆华, 陈思明. 数据新闻可视化研究: 理论与实践[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报.
MengQin CHENG, ZHOU, CHEN. A Survey of Visualization in Data Journalism: Theory and Practice[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics.
Citation: MengQin CHENG, ZHOU, CHEN. A Survey of Visualization in Data Journalism: Theory and Practice[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics.

数据新闻可视化研究: 理论与实践

A Survey of Visualization in Data Journalism: Theory and Practice

  • 摘要: 进入大数据时代, 信息更迭迅速的新闻业中出现了越来越多数据可视化的元素, 可视化技术在新闻里占有越来越重要的位置. 文中从数据新闻实际案例中整理了50个有代表性的使用可视化的数据新闻项目, 基于数据新闻理论与实践两方面提出一种分类框架, 从数据新闻的生产和理解2个层面分析可视化发挥的作用. 在数据新闻生产中, 讨论了角色分工、可视化类型、以及在不同新闻流程中的生产技术; 在用户理解数据新闻中, 对促进理解的数据新闻特性、用户的交互模式和用户认知进行讨论. 所提框架有助于更好地理解数据新闻与可视化的结合过程, 并且总结出相应框架内的问题和工作模式. 最后讨论了可视化在数据新闻中的发展方向, 人们可以在新型传播方式下通过虚拟现实等技术手段与可视化进行交互, 把握自动生成技术的机遇; 同时也会面临一些问题与挑战, 如权衡交互的复杂程度等; 文中也为数据新闻从业者提出一些将数据新闻与可视化结合的建议.


    Abstract: In the era of big data, more and more elements of data visualization have emerged in the rapidly changing information journalism, and visualization technology has taken on an increasingly important role in journalism. In this paper, 50 representative data journalism projects using visualization are compiled from actual cases of data journalism, and a classification framework is proposed based on both theory and practice of data journalism. It helps to analyze the role of visualization at 2 levels: production and understanding of data news. In the process of data news production, the division of roles, types of visualizations, and production techniques in different news processes are discussed; in the process of user understanding of data news, the characteristics of data news that facilitate understanding, user interaction patterns, and user perceptions are discussed. The proposed framework helps to better understand the process of combining data journalism and visualization, and summarizes the issues and working patterns within the corresponding framework. The paper concludes with a discussion of the direction of visualization in data journalism, where people can interact with visualization through virtual reality and other technological means in new communication methods, and take advantage of the opportunities of automatic generation technology; at the same time, they face some problems and challenges, such as weighing the complexity of interaction; the paper also suggests some suggestions for data journalists to integrate data journalism with visualization.


